Happy Birthday Bugaboo

Two Years! Two full years!! My little baby is TWO YEARS OLD!!! Where has the time gone? It seems just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant…

It seems like yesterday I was picking out baby names with my girlfriends and family and painting the walls in our nursery…

It seems just like yesterday that I wanted to punch my anesthesiologist while he gave me my epidural… and I did threaten that… Hey, the epidural hurt… well, mine did anyway.

But it seems like yesterday that I laid eyes on the most precious baby in the world… I remember everything… I remember the first cries he made, the first time he nursed, the first diaper change… the first kiss… the way his head smelled that first night…the way he looked at me with those big blue eyes in the hospital room that first night as I thanked God for lending me his most prized possession…

I cried everyday for the first two weeks… not because I was sad or scared… but because I was so happy and so in love with this little human. I did not think it possible to love someone so much…

I remember the first smile… first laugh… first crawl… first words… first steps…

It just doesn’t seem possible that two years have gone by. My little man is already speaking in clear sentences and counting to 10. This morning I threw on Curious George as I was getting ready for work and from the back room I heard him laughing and when I came to see what happened he looked up at me and said, “George is funny mommy.”

My little man is throwing real baseballs across the house and hitting balls that are being thrown to him… I really do have a superhuman 2 year-old. Well, not really… but the things he can already do just baffles me… ever since he got his own little helmet, he has asked to sleep with it every night… along with his bat, ball, and Elmo toy.

He has turned my life upside down and all for the better. I love being his mommy. I love when he says “Love you mommy” and grabs my hair and rubs it on his nose… I love that I am his human pacifier and I don’t care anymore…

I could go on and on… and I did in the journal I write for him… but all I can say is being a mom really is the best job on earth. I hate that I have to be away from him at work everyday but it makes me appreciate the time we have together in the evenings and weekends all that much more.

I know this post is a little everywhere today but I am getting over the stomach virus I picked up yesterday and just a tad bit emotional as I think about my Bugaboo turning 2…

Seriously, where does the time go?

Happy Birthday Bugaboo! Mommy loves you!

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My First Blogging Award and I’m Just A Little Excited About It!!

Woo Hoo Yeah Baby!!

What a complete surprise this afternoon on my lunch break, to open up my e-mail account (after not checking it in a couple of days) to see that I was honored with The Versatile Blogger Award from Dianna over @ These Days of Mine.

I want to thank you Dianna for being supportive of my blog and for being a constant support. You really don’t know how much it means to me to get some feedback and comments (especially since I’m still a newbie) on my posts; you make my day when you do! I’m still completely jealous of your little Sundae Girl and can’t wait until the day I can finally have one for myself!

The first rule of accepting this award is that I link back to Dianna’s blog, which I did above. (Please visit her site. You won’t be sorry, but be prepared to get cat and sunset views envy) I am also to reveal seven things about myself, and then pass the award on to other new bloggers.

Here are seven things that most of you probably don’t know about me:

1. I lived in Saudi Arabia for a short time when I was in the 3rd grade and have visited Israel, London, China (twice- love it there and would actually live there if I could.), Philippines(Angeles City, Cebu, and Palawan- a week after we visited the Dos Palmas Island Resort in Palawan, rebels raided the island and kidnapped 18 people including two American missionaries, a husband and wife couple. We were very fortunate), and Brazil.

2. Like Dianna, I’ve never had a broken bone.

3. I’m originally from Pittsburgh, PA but grew up in South West FL. (don’t ask how I came to live in AL… long story!)

4. I’m deathly afraid of spiders… if you had the experiences I’ve had… wolf spiders … you would be too.

5. I love to sing. I can’t sing at all but secretly always wanted to be a famous singer.

6. I was homeschooled most of my school career after 5th grade…

7. I ate kangaroo once in a restaurant in China and I still feel horrible about it to this day.

And now I pass on this award to the following bloggers: Well, I’m assuming we are supposed to pass it on, because several of the other blogs that I clicked on passed it along… since I am still kinda new to the blogging world… there are only three other blogs that I comment on a regular basis enough to possibly even know who I am… and one of them was nominated by Dianna as well… so, I am going to pass this along to two other bloggers that I admire and respect. It was because of these two bloggers, that I dared to even start my own. I was following their blogs before opening an account and it was through them that I found Dianna. I just love how blogging works! 🙂

1. Laundry and Vodka– found her blog via Pioneer Woman and have been addicted ever since. I don’t know why it is so fascinating to read about other’s lives… but ever since I was a girl, I loved reading novels and still do to this day… blogging is like reading real life novels… that never ends!

2. NanaBread– found her via Laundry and Vodka… love everything about her blog… her husband’s flank steak sandwiches with Soy-Ginger Mayonnaise is to die for… words can’t describe how delish this is… all I can say is… you have GOT to check it out!


Check out the above blogs along with Dianna over @ These Days of Mine… I also encourage you to leave comments… not just because it gives me a big head and I brag to my family that I HAVE to write because my readers need me… but it creates new opportunities to meet new people! I’ve been introduced to several new blogs over the past couple of weeks just from clicking on a link left from a comment, and I’m really enjoying them. I end up spending my whole lunch reading to catch up with everyone, but I don’t mind… I love it! 🙂

Have a great Monday!

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Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Last Saturday, GQ had a double-header baseball game. We were out on the fields for 5 hours but it wasn’t bad at all. The weather was nice and there was a nice steady breeze even though sunny. Unfortunately, GQ’s team lost both games even though they played hard. I downloaded photos in wrong order… but anyway, that’s GQ running through home plate! Go GQ! WOOHOO YAH BABY!!

I didn’t get to watch too much of the games though, because this little one kept me busy.

He is his brother’s biggest fan and the entire baseball complex knows who Bugaboo’s big brother is. Bugaboo screams out his name and will often yell, “Hit ball” “Good job”, or “Run!” It really is the cutest thing. I love how GQ waves to him through the fence or smiles when he hears his little brother shouting his name. Warms my heart.

The other boys on the team joke with him about it and give him a playful hard time, but he still does not mind. He really is the best big brother a little kid could ask for. I love watching them together.

While GQ’s team is out on the field, Bugaboo soon loses interest and finds new “friends” to play with. He is the youngest of the tots in his group but he doesn’t like to think so. He tries to keep up with the rest of them.

His new favorite thing to do to entertain himself is wear his brother’s baseball helmet. He loves those things. Anytime we go to Academy, Dicks, or Target, he knows where to find the baseball helmets and runs over to wear one. He will literally wear one the entire time in the store.

Man-child bought him a glove and helmet for his birthday next week. Can’t wait to see his expression on his face when he gets his OWN helmet that we don’t have to fight him to take off and hide in a store aisle. We no longer (hopefully) will have complete meltdowns in the stores when we have to leave the helmet behind, because this little boy will have his very own! I’m going to video tape him when he gets his helmet and then post it on here. There is no doubt in my mind he will go crazy for it. Hope everyone has a great fun-filled weekend. I’ll see you guys all on Monday!

Posted in Photography, Random | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Tornado Cleanup

After the devastating tornadoes struck, the organization that I work for stepped up and sent out emergency medical crews to affected areas where there was a demand for medical help. I work for an amazing company that cares about its employees and is there to help and offer support in a time of crisis. Besides sending out medical crews to give aid, they were also forming volunteer groups to help employees and their families affected by the tornadoes. Last Saturday a group of volunteers met in a small town about 25 minutes away to help clear debris from a destroyed home. The home was the parents of an employee. Her mother was injured and was at the hospital recovering.

This is what I first saw when I pulled up to what was left of the home.

Volunteer work crews had already started making large piles of debris and pushing everything up to the road for FEMA to pickup.

This old car did not belong to the family we were assisting. It came from down the street several houses away.

Trees uprooted and snapped…

I love this photo because amidst all the rubble and debris, a lone glass jar of beans stands unscathed. Kinda cool.

If you look closely in these photos, you can see clothes stuck up in the tree. There were several reports from people not just in this area but also in other affected areas that when they walked outside, they saw bodies everywhere in the trees. What most people initially saw were all the clothes in the trees and mistook them for people.

After I took some photos, I put my gloves on and got to work. Since I am dangerous around chain saws or anything electric like that, I just picked a spot and worked on separating the wood debris from the trash and metals. After the men cut the trees, we helped to move the wood to piles. 

It was heartbreaking to sort through other people’s belongings. We found small army men, wrestling figurines, and toys cars. I even found a Toy Story pillowcase. That got to me a little, because Bugaboo loves anything Toy Story and I knew that this debris came from a home where there were small children. Some workers found a social security card and license. We bagged those items. They belonged to someone from up the road. There was not a lot left though. Most things were completely destroyed.

A couple of hours into the work morning, the owner of the home, an older gentleman, Mr. H, stopped by to thank the volunteers. He just stood there for a moment looking around at what was left of his “home.” He just shook his head and said that it all just happened so fast and he and his wife didn’t have that much time to prepare.

Mr. H said that he was in one room watching the weather on TV and his wife was listening to the weather alerts on the radio in another room. They heard that the tornado was in a town about seven miles away and thought they may be fine but then they heard a news announcement that tornado was in their area. He said that he turned the TV off and was shutting the storm door between the room he was just in and the kitchen when his wife opened the back door of the house. He said that all you could see was a mass of black barreling towards them. He met his wife in the kitchen and they didn’t have time to go anywhere else so they just knelt together and held on to eachother.

It sounded like a freight train going through their home. The house started shaking and the storm door and wall blew away. He said that he and his wife lifted off the ground and they just hung there for a second.

Before he knew it, they were ripped apart.  He choked up at this point and had to catch his voice before continuing. He said that he tried holding on to her, but there was nothing he could do. In one moment, they were suspended in the air and in the next moment, they were thrown outside about twenty feet.

Mr. H said that he was sore and bruised but knew he was alive and ok. He was worried about his wife and started calling out to her. After what seemed like forever to him, he heard her voice. She was alive. She had some broken bones in her leg and there was something with her hip but she would be ok.

A volunteer who had listened to his story told him that he was one lucky man and I loved his response. Mr. H said, “It wasn’t luck, it was the grace of God.”

He was so thankful that he and his wife were alive that he didn’t care that his home and belongings were destroyed. He was a very sweet pleasant man who had a great attitude despite everything that he had just gone through. If asked if he would rebuild or not, he said he didn’t know yet what their future held. He knew that  their lives were spared for a reason and he wanted to follow God’s will and see what His plan was for them next.

My recount of his story is nothing compared to hearing it from him. As I reread through what I wrote, I know I left several things out, but I couldn’t remember exactly what he said, and I don’t want to add to the story or anything.  A co-worker recorded him on her iPhone while he spoke and if I can get my hands on it, I will definitely post it on here. I apologize in advance if I added anything in error but the recount will be corrected once I get the video. I wish I would have written down everything that day so it would still have been fresh in my mind, but I left the clean up to go straight to GQ’s double header baseball game and was at the ball fields for the next 5 hours… more on that tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Friday… Friday… gotta get down on Friday… everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend…ha-ha sorry, got lost in the moment. Now that song will be stuck in my head and yours ALL DAY LONG 🙂

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I know earlier I said my next post was going to be on the tornado cleanup and that I would share a story from a tornado survivor… but things changed after I published my last post. Here is another story… from another survivor…

Late this afternoon (yesterday now) I was informed that one of my clients passed away earlier in the day. I cried and then was in a state of shock the rest of the afternoon, because she is one of my clients that I have become very close to over the past two years.

Everyone is asleep and has been for hours but I just checked my phone and it’s 2am. I can’t sleep. She has been on my mind all evening and I’m struggling right now. Her death was very unexpected to everyone and I was scheduled to see her again at the end of the month. (wrote it last night but since didn’t get a lot of sleep, had a rushed morning so only now able to post)

A little background:

I met Rose (name changed) over two years ago. Her husband shot her in the neck and then turned the gun on himself. She survived the shooting but it left her a quadriplegic. She required extensive long-term medical care and was unable to stay at home with her family. For the past several years, she has lived in a long-term care facility seeing her daughter and family only every other weekend (only facility really capable of managing her high needs medical care was several hours away from her home). She did speak to her family everyday via speakerphone but I know that it was not the same thing as being home with your loved ones in person.

Not once in two years did Rose ever grumble or complain about her situation to me. Every time I met with her, she had a smile on her face and would always ask about Bugaboo. I was pregnant when I first met her, so she has kept up with Bugs from the beginning. I always showed her the latest photos of him and shared the latest accomplishments and milestones. She in return, would share about her daughter. Her beautiful young daughter excelled in school and wanted to become a doctor when she was older. Rose always beamed when she talked about her and swelled with motherly pride when I looked through the new photos her family brought of her daughter.

 I knew she would get lonely so I would try to arrange for volunteers to go over during the week to read with her or just keep her company. Lately, we haven’t had any volunteers so, I would try to go and see her in between our normal scheduled visits. It was difficult for her to talk for a long period, so sometimes we would just sit in silence and watch some TV or laugh at a comedy show.  

The latest of such visits, about two weeks ago, I took Bugaboo with me. I had taken him before to visit but it had been awhile. Bugs did great. He immediately took to her and babbled away as if he had known her forever. He counted to ten for her and then showed her his Buzz and Woody toys from Toy Story. Bugaboo spotted a birthday balloon on a stick that she had near her bed and he wanted to play with it. Rose just smiled as she watched him play with her balloon and told him that he could have it. She then told me about her latest visit with her daughter and that she made the honor club at school and a national honor society. She was so proud of her. She told me that she wanted her to excel in school and keep straight. She wanted her to stay away from boys until she was finished with school and make smart choices in future men she dated. She said that her mother and family were doing a great job raising her and she was pleased.

I couldn’t imagine being away from Bugaboo and only seeing him every other weekend for an afternoon… never being able to attend any school functions, parties, etc. I still can’t imagine how hard it was for her to hear everything about her daughter’s life after the fact and yet she never complained about any of it. She spoke of the things her daughter did as if she had been there first hand to witness it. Rose had such a great spirit about her and relied on her faith to get her through each day. I’m sure she struggled at times with her situation and  would get down at times, but she never really let on.

At the end of our last visit, we talked about moving some of her photos around in her room so she could see them better and I promised to do it the next time I came alone. I made Bugs say thank you for the balloon and he kissed her on the forehead. As we were walking out the door, Bugaboo said, “Bye”, “love you, and “see you later.” She had the biggest smile on her face when we left the room. I’ll never forget it.

I only hope that she enjoyed the visit as much as I did. I even came back to the office the next day and told everyone that in my two years visiting her, that was our best visit yet.

Here is a woman who had every right to be bitter and angry about the hand that was dealt her and yet she kept a positive attitude and would actually thank me each time I came to see her. I should have been the one to tell her thank you. She inspired me.

I also can’t stop thinking about her daughter. She has been through so much in her young life dating back to when she witnessed her father shoot her mom and then shoot himself. She lost her mom for the first time when she had to live apart from her, and now she has lost her for a second time. My heart literally aches for her. Rose shared a lot with me about the life she wanted for her daughter, and how she was so proud of her for being strong through everything. I think I may write a letter to her one day and tell her some of the things her mother shared with me over the past two years.

Rose isn’t hurting anymore and is in a better place. She knew there was a reason and a purpose she survived the shooting and made the most of her situation. There have been several times over the past two years that I wondered how she made it through everyday. How could she lie in the same bed and room day after day for years and still have a great attitude? I believe it was all for her daughter. A mother’s love is a strong, powerful thing. I lied down with Bugaboo until he fell asleep and then just stared at him for what seemed like forever. I finally understood how Rose felt in that moment. I would do anything for Bugaboo and do whatever it took to be with him for as long as I could and that is what she did. She wanted to be strong for her daughter and fought to stay around for her.

Rose was a survivor. There was so much more to her story than what I’ve shared and I don’t ever want to forget her or the things she taught me through her story. Whenever we had any social work interns or practicum students with us, I would always have them read her chart and would then take them to meet her, because she was such a strong person and truly an inspiration to all who met her. No one ever walked away untouched.

I left straight from work to the gym and had not had a chance to tell anyone what happened and when I came home from the gym last night, Bugaboo was outside with his daddy playing in the yard… with Rose’s balloon…  (I didn’t think to snap a pic last night of Bugaboo playing with it so just took one on my lunch break with my phone)

I’m really going to miss her.

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Busy Bee in Progress

I have been going non-stop since Saturday and today is no exception. Work has been extremely busy and I haven’t had time to sit down and finish any of my posts during lunch.

Somewhere between life and work, I forgot that Bugaboo’s birthday party is this Sunday afternoon and I forgot to get invitations out and reserve the park spot. Thankfully, I have an awesome mother who came to my rescue. She quickly designed a cute party invitation and printed them out. I was too late to reserve the park I wanted to have the party at, but it worked out that we were able to get an even better spot! So, now I have many last-minute party details to work out before Sunday.  Friday night is a Kenny Chesney concert in ATL (My friend wanted to go to a concert instead of having a bachelorette party I highly dislike concerts and not a big fan of Kenny Chesney so that just shows what a great friend  and sport I am, lol, jk). Then, on Saturday, we are going to one of Bugaboo’s girlfriend’s birthday party and spending the rest of the day with my grandmother who is coming down to celebrate Bugs’ birthday with us. There is a lot going on!

I came across this photo on my computer this morning and it just made my day. I thought I would share because no matter how busy we get or how overwhelmed we feel at times, there is always time to laugh and enjoy the small things. This was taken last October after he had finished eating spaghetti apparently… he was in a silly mood and imitating Chris Farley I believe 🙂

Anyway, I am working on a post about the tornado cleanup from this past Saturday where I met a tornado survivor. His story is powerful and I can’t wait to share it. I’m hoping that tonight after everyone goes to bed, I’ll have time to finish writing my post and get the photos together (found the cord!).

Ok, five-minute break is up, clinic is back in session, and clients are waiting. Please stay tuned, as I will post tornado cleanup first thing tomorrow morning.

PS: dinner… grilled sirloin steak (on sale at Publix, grab it while you still can for those of you who live near one), grilled corn (also on sale at Publix), and salad with pear vinaigrette dressing(yet another great sale item from Publix, lol!) Mmm.. can’t wait to get home from the gym tonight. Meal planning is still a go!

Posted in Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Random | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

First Official Non-Family Photography Shoot Scheduled

I have been asked to take newborn photos for a co-worker in less than three months and while I’m super excited about it, I’m also very nervous too. It’s one thing to take photos of my boys because if I don’t like the photo, well, it’s no big deal. I can take more or try again another day. This time it is different, it is me taking photos for someone else who WILL care how the photos turn out and are expecting them to turn out nice and look semi-professional.

So many thoughts are running through my head… what if they don’t like them in the end but are afraid to tell me? What if I don’t measure up? She is a co-worker… could that mess up our professional relationship if I don’t deliver? I just feel like this is my first big opportunity and I do not want to blow it. The good thing is that I have emphasized repeatedly just how much I am NOT a professional but will do my best and put 150% into the photo shoot and they keep telling me to not worry and love my photos of Bugaboo and GQ. They realize that this is my first time, but still, I do not want to let them down.

Since I do not want to let them down, I recommended to my co-worker that she do what I did before Bugaboo was born and go online and look up newborn photography. I suggested that she browse through several different websites that specialize in newborn photography and make a note of what poses she likes and keep a record of all the sites that she went too and then show them to me. I am going to have a friend come over and use one of my childhood baby dolls to practice the mommy and me poses to try to recreate the look while putting in my own edge and perspective. I think I may be going a little overboard, but I don’t want to disappoint them, ya know? I have plenty of time to get practice shots in and will probably do a maternity shoot too so they can become more comfortable with me as well.

I have also had some teeny boppers ask me to take their photos too this past week, so I should be a busy bee over the summer on my weekends. I am looking forward to it, because one, I need the experience, secondly, I will get more editing time under my belt, and finally, I will be building my photography portfolio. Opportunities are pouring in and I’m so thrilled that people are willing to take a chance on me with their memories and photos!

I will definitely keep you guys posted and share some of the photos from my “sessions.” Right now, all my “sessions” are free since I’m using it as a learning experience so if any one local wants a free photo session, let me know! I’d be happy to do it when I’m available.

The weekend is upon us and it is looking to be a busy one including tornado clean up tomorrow morning and afternoon, baseball games, ping-pong, and another GQ and Bugaboo photo shoot (weather permitting). Can’t wait!

PS: lost a few inches this week… things are looking up! Kickboxing rules!

Wishing everyone has a great fun-filled weekend with his or her friends and family.

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25 Manners Every Kid Should Know

I STILL have not found my cord to download photos from the camera to the computer. So, until I find my cord and can get the photos for my future posts, you are stuck reading my random thoughts on an article that I came across earlier this week on parents.com.

Let me just say that I think adults could benefit from these 25 manners as well and not just children! As I read the list, I whispered a silent “thank you” to my mother. She did a great job instilling the following manners in my sister and me (you too little brother). One thing the list didn’t cover that I remember my mom teaching us, was to never call an adult by their first name. If an adult told us that we didn’t need to call them by their last name and just use their first name, we would still say “Mr. John” or something to that effect and not simply “John.” Even after I graduated from High School, I would struggle to call adults by their first name only and even today, I sometimes call an elder by their last name as a sign of respect.

In a day and age where manners and respect are quickly becoming a thing of the past, I am determined now more than ever to raise a well-mannered child.

Man-Child is teaching Bugaboo to say “yes sir” and “yes ma’am” and he already says “please”, “thank you”, and “excuse me.” Yes, I’m bragging on my child again, but he isn’t even two and is demonstrating good manners. So, if a toddler can do it, anyone can learn to do it! I can brag on GQ too even though I can’t take credit for how his mother raised him, but he is another example of a polite, kind, and well-liked child.

In my opinion, one of the best ways to teach children manners is to demonstrate good manners yourself.  Lead by example.

Without further adieu…

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know By Age 9

Source: parents.com

Helping your child master these simple rules of etiquette will get him noticed — for all the right reasons.
(David Lowry, Ph.D.

Your child’s rude ‘tude isn’t always intentional. Sometimes kids just don’t realize it’s impolite to interrupt, pick their nose, or loudly observe that the lady walking in front of them has a large behind. And in the hustle and bustle of daily life, busy moms and dads don’t always have the time to focus on etiquette. But if you reinforce these 25 must-do manners, you’ll raise a polite, kind, well-liked child.-

Manner #1

When asking for something, say “Please.”

Manner #2

When receiving something, say “Thank you.”

Manner #3

Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency. They will notice you and respond when they are finished talking.

Manner #4

If you do need to get somebody’s attention right away, the phrase “excuse me” is the most polite way for you to enter the conversation.

Manner #5

When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.

Manner #6

The world is not interested in what you dislike. Keep negative opinions to yourself, or between you and your friends, and out of earshot of adults.

Manner #7

Do not comment on other people’s physical characteristics unless, of course, it’s to compliment them, which is always welcome.

Manner #8

When people ask you how you are, tell them and then ask them how they are.

Manner #9

When you have spent time at your friend’s house, remember to thank his or her parents for having you over and for the good time you had.

Manner #10

Knock on closed doors — and wait to see if there’s a response — before entering.

Manner #11

When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.

Manner #12

Be appreciative and say “thank you” for any gift you receive. In the age of e-mail, a handwritten thank-you note can have a powerful effect.

Manner #13

Never use foul language in front of adults. Grown-ups already know all those words, and they find them boring and unpleasant.  ( My personal take on this… children shouldn’t use foul language. Period. )

Manner #14

Don’t call people mean names.

Manner #15

Do not make fun of anyone for any reason. Teasing shows others you are weak, and ganging up on someone else is cruel.

Manner #16

Even if a play or an assembly is boring, sit through it quietly and pretend that you are interested. The performers and presenters are doing their best.

Manner #17

If you bump into somebody, immediately say “Excuse me.”

Manner #18

Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don’t pick your nose in public.

Manner #19

As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.

Manner #20

If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help. If they say “yes,” do so — you may learn something new.

Manner #21

When an adult asks you for a favor, do it without grumbling and with a smile.

Manner #22

When someone helps you, say “thank you.” That person will likely want to help you again. This is especially true with teachers!

Manner #23

Use eating utensils properly. If you are unsure how to do so, ask your parents to teach you or watch what adults do.

Manner #24

Keep a napkin on your lap; use it to wipe your mouth when necessary.

Manner #25

Don’t reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.

Posted in Random | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 12 Comments

Changes are Coming…Slowly but Surely!

Disclaimer: This post kind of jumps around a bit and you can tell the day I am having, that I am a little all over the place! Hopefully you can follow it!

As everyone knows, I’m trying to make a healthy lifestyle change.  It is going rather slowly and is not happening as fast as I would like, and I feel overwhelmed at times.

I don’t know where to start when it comes to healthy eating .  Do you start small or just dive in 100%?  

I started making small changes and realized that diving in a 100% now is probably not a good idea knowing me and I would only become more overwhelmed and discouraged if I failed.

We have attempted to cut back on the junk food in our home and I try to purchase more organic healthy snacks for Bugaboo and GQ to eat. Well, ok, not always, but Publix Key Lime ice cream makes it impossible to leave junk food behind entirely. Bugaboo and GQ love fruit, so I have bought more of that and less chips and crackers. I do buy Annie’s bunnies and Earth Fare’s animal cookies when on sale for Bugaboo, but other than that, I have tried to just stick to fruit, cheese, and yogurt for his snacks. I have heard some snickers from other people when I say that I don’t want my child eating the stuff that I did or do and that I want him to eat healthier than me, but seriously,  what mom wouldn’t want that for their child?  I want him to be healthy and eat real food. I don’t want him to eat or drink chemicals all the time. I don’t want him to have the same struggles that I do.

My biggest struggle?

DIET SODA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would love to give up soda and processed foods, but it’s hard.

It’s hard for several reasons, one being that I absolutely LOVE diet coke. I mean I’m pretty much addicted to it. I have tried to stop cold turkey and tried to wean myself off, but all attempts have failed. Have I told you just how much I LOVE diet coke? I wish I only had a desire to drink water, or other healthy drink options, but my body literally craves the stuff. Sad, I know… One day, I will kick the habit. One day…

Time is the other reason that giving up processed food is difficult.  It is so much easier to make mac and cheese from the box versus homemade mac and cheese when you work full-time, try to go to the gym, try to keep your home in order, and try to spend time with your family. Time becomes your worst enemy.  Quick and simple meals are usually the way to go but most of those meals are processed and are not healthy.

I have heard that it is easier to eat non-processed meals when you take time to plan your meals ahead of time. I know to make the healthy lifestyle change that I want to make, I need to make meal planning a priority and that way, I will know in advance what I will make for dinner and have things ready ahead of time instead of waiting to the last-minute.

Last week I did well with my meal plan. I almost stuck to it 100% but then baseball and another activity happened and we grabbed Chick Fil A once and then had dinner at my mom’s house another night, I think. I went ahead and made a meal plan for this week and so far, I’m on track! It does make it easier to cook meals when you plan. Imagine that! So, like some of the other small changes I have made in my life, meal planning is here to stay. I already have some meals lined up for this weekend and next week.  Tonight when everyone is in bed, I am going to make my grocery list and even see if there are any coupons for what I need to buy! Yay me for trying to be more organized and save money at the same time!

I recently discovered two new food and health blogs that are awesome on so many levels. You should check these out if you have some time.

  1. 100 days of real food
  2. Simply Healthy Family

I have printed off several recipes that I intend to try over the next month or so and will let you know how they turn out. There are many great healthy food blogs out there, but it is easy to find yourself overwhelmed in food blogland. So, I just narrowed it down to my two favorite ones. I’m even considering taking the 100 days of real food pledge, but still need to discuss it with Man-Child, because if he is not on board, then I know I will run into problems and I don’t want to set myself up for failure. If I do decide to do it, then you will be one of the first ones to know! Maybe I would start small though. Instead of 100 days of real food, I would start with two weeks or something, lol. We shall see!

Tonight for dinner: Tilapia, steamed squash and zucchini with rice! (We had chicken stir-fry last night)

 PS: I pretty much gave up walking on my lunch breaks. The weather has gone from high 70’s/low 80’s straight to the 90’s and IT IS HOT out there!  I don’t know what I am going to do… I’m hopeless, lol. I need to just sign up for MTV’s Made or something! 🙂

Wednesday… We’re halfway there! Another fun-filled weekend quickly approaching!

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The Prayer of an almost 2-year Old Boy

This is too cute not to share, sorry if some don’t agree. Each night, we try to say our prayers before going to bed. This is how our prayers went last night… Ok, to get the prayer, you kind of have to picture a sweet angelic little boy who can’t exactly say the words a hundred percent. You just have to picture a young child talking. For instance, Nacho is more like Na-ho. I guess you have to hear it to really get it, so I need to record it one night and post it on here. (Like Pioneer Woman and the Juice Box)


Mommy: “Dear Jesus, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, GQ, and…”

Bugaboo: “Daddy? Mommy? GQ? Nacho? Max ?” (My sister’s big 90 lb black lab and Nacho’s cousin) 🙂

Mommy: “Yes, Daddy, Mommy, GQ, Nacho and Max. We also want to thank you for Nana and… “

Bugaboo: “Poppie?”

Mommy: “Yes, Poppie too and for…”

Bugaboo: “Honey?” (Honey is the name my mom wanted to be called, sweet, isn’t it?) 🙂

Mommy: “Yes, Honey too and for… “

Bugaboo: “ Kissen? (Kristen) Keys (Keith) Daddy? Nacho? GQ? Max?”

Mommy: “Yes, for all of them too and everybody else (we say aunt and uncles names) Thank you Jesus for my house, cars, and…”

Bugaboo: “Nacho! Nacho, Mommy, Daddy, Nacho, Max, Ba-e (Bailey), Wuke (Luke)…”

Mommy: “Yes, and for my teachers and buddies…”

Bugaboo: “J, C, C, H, and K (He names his three best boy buddies and two best girl buddies every night)” “C no bite, Be nice”

Mommy: “What?  Why did you say C no bite? Did C bite you today?”

Bugaboo: “C bite, BE NICE C! BE NICE!” (No longer are we sitting still and saying a nice prayer, he is standing on bed pointing his finger as if he is telling his friend to be nice. I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing)

Mommy: “Ok, lie back down… there you go, ok, where were we…” “Ok, yes, pray that all of you be nice and do not bite one another at school tomorrow…”

Bugaboo: “BE NICE C, NO NO BITE!”

Mommy: “Ok, we already prayed for that, let’s move on… and Jesus, help me to listen to Mommy and Daddy and…”

Bugaboo: “Mommy? Daddy? GQ? Nana? Poppie? Honey? Kissen? Max? Nacho?”

Mommy: “Yes, and pray that Bugaboo has sweet dreams and a good day tomorrow. I love you Jesus, amen”

Bugaboo: “Love you Jesus, AMEN!!!!!!” (He screams amen)

Our prayer used to take about 30 seconds up to a minute, but now turns into several minutes some nights. He wants to name everyone by name including his friends, family, and pets. He doesn’t want me to forget anyone and has learned what names I might say next and tries to say it before I do. He also just repeats several names to make sure they get double prayer I suppose. It just warms my heart to hear him each night.

 On a side note… This past week has been so crazy, I have taken tons of photos but have not had anytime to download them from the camera to computer, and I like to have photos for my posts when I can, so, hopefully tonight, I can work on those. I usually have some time during work on my breaks or on lunch to check out my favorite blogs or write a post, but things have been so busy that today was first day I was able to catch up on some blogs since last week… that is a long time for me! So, for me to not read my favorite blogs everyday, you KNOW I had to be busy! Anyway, I’m still here and wish I could get better about posting more, because I know I have been slacking!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day. See you tomorrow!

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